Technology Industry Allowing 'Deluge' of Misinformation to Drown Out Reliable Information, RSF Says

Technology firms have allowed a deluge of misinformation to drown out reliable information, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF). A report published on World Press Freedom Day puts a spotlight on the way misinformation drowns out trustworthy news online, while highlighting how this problem has been compounded with the rise of artificial intelligence and AI too...

Technology Industry Allowing 'Deluge' of Misinformation to Drown Out Reliable Information, RSF Says
Technology firms have allowed a deluge of misinformation to drown out reliable information, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF). A report published on World Press Freedom Day puts a spotlight on the way misinformation drowns out trustworthy news online, while highlighting how this problem has been compounded with the rise of artificial intelligence and AI too...